Thursday, 17 July 2008


I have some reservations about the possibilities of creating socialism in one country, even if when that country is exotic Cuba. It's at best, a bit contradictory; one the one hand a hereditary dictatorship, on the other the most environmentally sustainable country in the world.

It's also a third/majority world country with a health care system that puts its neighbouring American superpower to shame, as Michael Moores film 'Sicko' highlights. It's for this reason I went to see Salud! on wednesday, a film about Cuban doctors and their international efforts

Organised by 'Rock Against the Blockade', it wasnt the sort of event to express your doubts. Acknowledging problems with the country's agricultural productivity led to the organisers themselves being heckled with the question 'which side are you on'...

Well I'm sure I'd be on the wrong side of the firing squad myself.

Nonetheless there were some interesting points in the discussion and the film itself is a worthy effort that highlights the humanity of the Cuban's. It also illustrates that political values are a more powerful force than professional ethics. Oppossition to the Cuban doctors missions by the self-interested and wealthy medics in other counties is subtly contrasted to their own altruism.

I wonder how medical students in this country would view it, and picked up a copy to see if we can test this later in the year.

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